Monday, September 24, 2007


I was in such a hurry to finish school and get a real job. And now that I've been done for over a year and working, all I can think about is how much I'd love to do it all over again.

Laurier Homecoming over the weekend definitley left me feeling a little nostalgic for those days gone by. Man, I miss being a student. I felt like a bitter, middle-aged woman berrating Graham's little brother at the bar about how he should stay in school as long as possible. "Don't be in a rush to graduate," I remember practically yelling in his face. With a pang of jealousy, we all went on and on about how the next four years were going to be the best of his life. "Yeah, I guess it'll be fun..." he replied nodding. He has absolutley no idea. He probably thought we were all insane! Oh to be 18 again. There's so much I'd do differently and about an equal amount I'd do just the same. Wow, I really sound old don't I?

This is not to say that I look back on the weekend with any sadness. Quite the opposite actually. It was really great getting together with everyone in Waterloo. It was great knowing that no matter where I went, I was bound to bump into someone I hadn't talked to in ages. We rocked out to the live band at the Fox, just like it was first year and I was there drinking for the 10th consecutive Thursday in a row. Graham performed a stunning rendition of Monster Mash two nights in a row entertaining an eclectic crowd of Silver Spur clientele. We went to the football game and saw about 7 mins of football, focusing our efforts on drinking as many cans of beer as we could successfully carry at one time. We ate breakfast at Bennys, we had a drink at Morty's and probably most amusing, we went back to 22 Hickory and had a drink with the new people that live there. A penguin lawn ornament was borrowed and defaced, people were "asked" to leave a campus drinking establishment, the Moses Springer pool had some end-of-season, late-night swimmers and the Comfort Inn is left busy cleaning up the area outside our rooms that looks more like a trailer park than a hotel.

So maybe we've all grown up a bit but certainly, if the weekend proved anything at all, it's that we can all still party like it's frosh week!

Till next year...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My 15 minutes of fame

Our building is having the Designer Guys from HGTV renovate our lobby and party room. As part of the renovation, they've planned wall of black and white photography and have asked tenants to contribute prints for consideration. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity and submitted 18 photos. The flower above was one of them. I'm hoping they select some for the wall. It would be like some sort of validation that I maybe do have an ounce of photographic talent. If not, I'll actually be terribly dissapointed.

Comments welcome. But be nice.

Hurry Up and Wait

This has become my tagline today. I've done all I can do. I've crossed the T's, dotted the I's, hell I even had these things done early but all for naught. Whenever I'm proactive, there's always got to be someone else dragging their heels. The worst part is, I'm the one that ends up looking like the screw-up. Hey folks, I'm just the middle man here. It's not my fault someone else is an idiot.

Someone once told me, the problem with the world is people. Usually, I'd disagree. Generally, I like people. But today, I couldn't agree more. Today, people suck.

To remedy my frustration, I'm going to go to the mall to buy something shiny... Yes, I realize how trivial and materialistic this makes me seem but tomorrow's pay-day and I don't care.

In other news, I won an award at Toastmasters yesterday. I won the "Most Enthusiastic Club Member" aka "Biggest Keener in the Club" Award. As if being in Toastmasters alone doesn't make me nerdy enough already! Anyways, that's one of those corny claims-to-fame I can put on my resume and I got a nice ribbon and Starbucks gift card out of the deal so I can't complain.

I’m sad summer’s over. It went by too quickly and I don’t have near enough cool stories about fun things I did. A small handful, but nothing compared to last year. Anyone reading my blog on any sort of semi-regular basis would probably think my life has slowed down a lot since last year. That makes me sad. Is that what happens when we get older? Time speeds up and fun slows down? This is a pretty bleak outlook on things.

This is a totally random post. I make no apologies.