Friday, April 30, 2010

More Spontaneous Dancing!

OK. Apparently, I need to start hanging out in the Eaton Centre more often. While I'm told the whole "flash mob" thing is totally passe, I still think they are totally cool.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Mall Just Got Cooler

I love the mall. I love shopping. Anti-consumerism is totally not my thing. I shop when I'm bored.I wander the mall and around Yonge and Bloor just to browse a dozen times a month. While I see tons of great sales and merchandise, what I've never seen is a spontaneous dance in the epicentre of consumer culture: the Eaton Centre. You may remember my previous post where I said I'd love to be part of one of those spontaneous dances you see in movies all the time? Why, oh why, could I not have been in the mall when this happened! Totally would have made my day.